Friday, 28 March 2014

Thank you!

I just wanted to take a minute to say a big "Thank you" to all families and parents who made the time to come in to talk about student progress to this point in the year. I really enjoyed having the chance to discuss how things have been going, and to plan for the rest of the year. If you ever have any concerns, or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone, email, note in the agenda, or in person.

le 31 mars - le 4 avril

It's hard to believe we are into April this week! Here are some reminders for the week:

-Home Reading Books are coming home on Monday are due back on Friday
-Booster Juice Hot lunch order forms are coming home on Monday and are due back on Thursday.
-Mme is away on Tuesday for meetings
-Scholastic is coming home on Tuesday and is due back on Tuesday, April 8th
-Library on Friday. Please bring back your books if you wish to exchange them for new ones.
-Dictee on Friday. This week we will look at the letters ui. The words are as follows:

je suis
la nuit
tout de suite
les fruits

Monday, 24 March 2014

Les messages et le bureau de poste

As a part of our context about messages, we have a Bureau de poste (Post office) in our class. Each student has an envelope, and students may write a note to a friend. Together, we came up with a list of expectations for these notes. 1. All notes must be kind, polite and respectful. 2. Students have to include the name of the person to whom they are sending the note, as well as their own name. 3. Students are to write to many friends, and not just one or two people. 4. Students are to respect the privacy of others and only read their own notes. As a class, we decided that if students are not following the expectations, Mme will discuss with them, and if it happens a second time, then they will not be allowed to send or receive messages.

le 24 - 27 mars

Here are some announcements for this week:

-Au courant journals are to come back to school on Monday
-Home Reading Books will come home on Monday and are due back on Thursday.
-Progress Reports are coming home on Monday. Please see the post about Progress Reports for additional information.
-The Home and School is hosting a Multicultural Potluck Supper on Monday night. Please see last week's newsletter or call the office for more information.
-We will visit the Book Fair on Tuesday to browse, and will return on Thursday to purchase. The Book Fair will also be open during interview times on Thursday evening and Friday morning.
-Because of the Book Fair, we will not go to the library this week.
-Earth Hour is this Saturday, March 29. We will participate at school on Thursday by turning off all lights and electronics for an hour.
-Three Way Conferences are on Thursday evening and Friday morning. If you have not already scheduled a conference time, please call the office to do so.
-Dictee on Thursday as there is no school for students on Friday. This week we are looking at the letters ouill. The words are as follows:

une grenouille

la vadrouille



une ratatouille

Term 2 Progress Reports

Term 2 Progress Reports are being sent home on Monday. Please take some time to read over the progress report prior to your three way conference time on Thursday evening or Friday morning.

For your information:

The letter code for the Learning Skills and Behaviours is as follows:
A = almost always
O = often
S = sometimes
R = rarely

The letter code for the rest of the progress report is as follows:
E = exceeding expectations
M = meeting expectations
B = beginning to meet expectations
N = not yet meeting expectations
NT = not taught this term
Again this term, you will find comments pertaining to oral french skills on Page 3 of the progress report, comments pertaining to mathematics on Page 4 of the progress report, and comments pertaining to reading and writing on Page 5 of the progress report.

Please sign and return the progress report envelope to let me know that you have received the document. The progress report is for your records.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Les lettres

This week we have been learning about writing letters. Here is a letter we wrote as a class this afternon:

vendredi, le 21 mars, 2014

Chers parents,

Bonjour! Comment ça va? Tout va bien ici a l'école, on apprend beaucoup! Aujourd'hui, au lieu de faire les histoires d'au courant, on va écrire les lettres. Aujourd'hui c'était Fictional Character Day et Mme était le Lorax avec une grande moustache jaune. Mme nous a lu l'histoire The Lorax et nous avons parle de la leçon et de l'environnement. Il y avait une assemble ce matin. Dans l'assemble il y avait un concours de manger les tartes au chocolat avec de la crème fouettée. Nous sommes allés a la bibliothèque aujourd'hui. Les classes de Mme P et Mme W étaient la aussi. Ils ont fait un restaurant.

Tes amies,

la classe de Mme Fiander

Monday, 17 March 2014

le 17 - 21 mars

A few updates for this week:
-Au courant journals should come back on Monday
-Concours d'art oratoire for the school is on Monday morning at 9am and at 10:50am (our students will be presenting during the 10:50am session)
-Home Reading Books will be coming back on Monday and are due back on Friday
-Assembly Friday morning at 9am
-Spirit Day on Friday: Fictional Character Day - Dress as your favourite book/TV/movie character
-Library on Friday, please bring back your books if you wish to exchange them for new ones
-Dictee on Friday. This week's dictee words will be words related to Jour de la St Patrick. They are as follows:
le trèfle
le 17 mars
la chance
un pot d’or

-Progress reports will be coming home on Monday, March 24, and three way conferences are being held on March 27th in the evening and March 28th in the morning. Here is the link to schedule a time:

Friday, 14 March 2014

Lockdown drill

On Thursday morning we participated in a lockdown drill. We had discussed earlier in the week what the expectations are and what to do if there is a lockdown drill and we are in various areas of the school. Students were very responsible and sat quietly and patiently while we waited for the officer to unlock our door. When he arrived, he told us we did a great job. Bien fait, les deuxiemes annees!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Concours d'art oratoire

Thank you to all the visitors who came and watched our presentations for the Concours d'art oratoire! Everyone did such an amazing job. Bien fait, les deuxiemes annees!
On Monday, the presentations are being held in the auditorium in two time slots, each about 30 minutes long. The first is at 9am, and the second is at 10:50am (right after morning recess). The students from our class will be presenting during the second time slot at 10:50am.

Monday, 10 March 2014

le 10 - 13 mars

Here are some reminders for the week:

-Au courant journals should come back on Monday
-Home Reading Books will come home on Monday and are due back on Thursday
-Scholastic is due on Tuesday, March 11
-There will be a Starbucks hot chocolate sale on Thursday. Order forms are coming home Monday and are due back by Wednesday.
-Library on Thursday. Please bring back your books if you wish to exchange them.
-Concours d'art oratoire - Thursday afternoon at 2:30pm. Students will be presenting their poems to the class and all visitors.
-Dictee on Thursday. This week we will be looking at the letters eil and eille. The words are as follows:

une bouteille

un orteil


le soleil

une abeille


**Also a reminder that there is no school for students on Friday, March 14th.**

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Progress Reports and Three Way Conferences

Progress reports will be coming home on Monday, March 24th. Three Way Conferences will be held on March 27th in the evening, and on March 28th in the morning. Please use the online scheduler to book a time to discuss your childs progress to this point in the year. If you require assistance, please call the main office. If the times are not convenient for you, please let me know and we can set up a different time. I look forward to meeting with everyone!

Un fluid non-newtonien

On Thursday, students came home with kind of a funny substance. We have been exploring liquids, solids and gases and experimenting with mixing them together. On Thursday, we mixed two liquids together and created a substance that is neither liquid, nor solid, which makes it a un fluid non-newtonien, because it doesn't follow Newton's rules for liquid or solid. Students have promised to only play with this at the kitchen table when parents say it is alright, because it will soak into carpet and upholstery.

Here is the recipe for making le fluid non-newtonien:
1. Dissolve Borax in warm water.
2. Mix white glue and water, half and half.
3. Take equal parts of the Borax solution and the glue solution.
4. Add colour to the glue solution if you wish.
5. While stirring the glue mixture, slowly add the Borax solution.
6. Take the resulting fluid out of the cup and squish it on the table to get rid of excess water.
7. Play with your new non-newtonian fluid!
**Borax as a powder is a mild irritant, so parents/adults should make the Borax solution, and everyone should wash their hands after they are through with the fluid.

Monday, 3 March 2014

le 3 - 7 mars

Here are a few updates for the first week of March.

-Au courant journals are to come back on Monday
-Home Reading Books are coming home Monday and are due back on Friday
-Scholastic is coming home on Monday and is due back Tuesday, March 11
-A copy of the poem for the Concours d'art oratoire will be coming home to practice on Tuesday
-Science Fair is on Wednesday. We will be visiting as a class after the afternoon recess
-Library on Friday. Please bring back your books if you wish to exchange them for new ones.
-Dictee on Friday. This week we are working on the letters ien. The words are as follows:

un chien
je viens

Saturday, 1 March 2014


Last Wednesday, February 26th was Anti-Bullying Day (Pink Shirt Day). Students wore pink to show their support against bullying. We attended an assembly in the afternoon and listened to some neat songs and stories.
Also at school this year, there is a pledge hanging in the main office. Students who have chosen to take the pledge have signed around it to show others that they are a safe person to talk to if they are having issues with bullying.

Concours d'art oratoire

Every year the Canadian Parents for French host an oral speaking contest for students in French Immersion. At the grade 2 level, students memorize and recite a poem (about 1 minute in length). Students will be given a choice of 3 poems to present in about 2 weeks time. Students will be given a copy of their poem to practice at home.

Science Fair

The Science Fair will be on Wednesday, March 5th in the gym. Projects will be on display from 1-3:30pm and 5:30-7pm. We have a few students in our class who will have projects on display. We will visit as a class at 2:40-3:15pm. Parents are more than welcome to attend and see the fantastic science learning happening at Ecole Victoria School.