Sunday, 27 October 2013

le 28 octobre - le 1 novembre

Just a few updates for this week:
-Au courant journals are to come back to school on Monday
-Home Reading Books will be coming home on Monday and are due back on Friday
-Tuesday from 10:50am (after morning recess) until lunch we will be carving pumpkins. Any parents/guardians are welcome to come and help out.
- Thursday is Halloween. Please see the post about Halloween for more details and the plan for the day.
-Library on Friday. Please bring back your books if you wish to exchange them for new ones.
-This week the idiomatic expression we will be learning is 'plein comme un oeuf' (literally translated: full as an egg). This expression is used to describe objects, not when someone has eaten and is full.
-Dictee on Friday. This week we will be looking at the letters 'ou' and the sound they make (like a wolf howling). The words are as follows:

les souliers
la bouche
un groupe
la boue