Thursday, 27 February 2014

Les liquides et les solides

This week we have continued to learn about liquids and solids. We have learned that liquids change shape to be in whatever container they are in, and that they flow. We have learned that solids do not change shape, and do not flow. Today we looked at salt, which was a bit tricky because it looked like it flowed and changed shape when put in different containers, but then we looked at it with a microscope to see that there are actually many, many little grains that make up salt. We have decided that salt is a solid, because the grains do not flow or change shape.
Salt, as seen under a handheld microscope.

Monday, 24 February 2014

le 24 - 28 fevrier

I hope everyone enjoyed the break and had a chance to relax with family and friends. Here are some reminders for this upcoming week:

-Home Reading Books are coming home on Monday and are due back on Friday.
-Wednesday is Pink Shirt Day. Students are invited to wear a pink shirt to show their support for anti-bullying. We will have an assembly after lunch on Wednesday.
-Mme is away on Friday for PD.
-Library on Friday. Please bring back your books if you wish to exchange them for new ones.
-Dictee on Friday. This week we are looking at the letters ail which make the sound of i in English. The words are as follows:

du travail
les maillons
un poulailler
la paille
un maillot de bain
un chandail

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Les microbes

With all sorts of sickness going around lately, today we discussed a bit about germs and how to stay healthy. We talked about coughing into our elbows or tissues, not our hands, as well as about washing our hands. We also did a fun simulation of how germs spread. Three people in the classroom put some aloe with sparkles in it on their hands, and then we spent a minute high fiving and shaking hands with everyone. At the end, everyone had sparkly germs on their hands! We also tried using the doorknob after someone germy had touched it. We talked about all of the things we all share and touch in our classroom, like tables, chairs, books, smartboard markers, games, etc.
We discussed that not all germs are bad, and that germs are everywhere, but that we have to be careful to remember to cough and sneeze properly, and to wash our hands.

Les regularites croissantes

This week we have looked at some interesting increasing patterns.
We learned about Blaise Pascal (a French mathematician from the 1600s) and his triangle. We found lots of cool patterns in his triangle, including the pattern you get when you colour in all of the odd numbers, the number patterns in the diagonal rows (one row has a pattern made by adding one each time, another row has a pattern made by adding 2, then 3, then 4, etc.), and the 'hockey stick' pattern.
Blaise Pascal 1623-1662

Pascal's triangle

We have also learned about Fibonacci's number sequence.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89... which is made by adding the first two numbers together to get the third, thenthe 2nd and 3rd numbers to get the 4th, etc. We saw how if we use those numbers to make a spiral, that spiral is found in nature on cauliflower, pinecones, sea shells, and on many plants.

Fibonacci spiral

Saturday, 8 February 2014

le 10 - 14 fevrier

Last week before the February Break! Here are some updates:

-Weather recording homework is due back on Monday. We will be writing our comparisons this week.
-Au courant journals are due back to school on Monday - Au courant journals did not make it home Friday due to the assembly and will be coming home Monday. Please send back to school by Wednesday.
-Home Reading Books are coming home Monday and are due back Friday
-Hot Lunch orders are due back on Tuesday, February 11
-Scholastic orders are due back on Tuesday, February 11
-We will be making valentines for the community in the middle of the week, and going for a walk with our care partners on Friday morning to deliver them.
-Science Fair registration forms went out in the newsletter on Thursday of last week and are due back on Friday. Any student wishing to participate in the science fair must complete a registration form. There are extras at the office.
-Library on Friday
-Assembly Friday afternoon at 12:45pm
-Hot lunch for those who ordered on Friday, February 14
-Spirit Day on Friday, February 14. This month's spirit day is Hat Day
-Valentine's Day celebration: At the end of the day on Friday we will celebrate Valentine's Day. Students are welcome to bring healthy snacks to share, as well as valentines to pass out.
-Dictee on Friday. This week we will be looking at the letter g and the hard and soft sounds it makes. The rules for g are the same as for c, hard sound when followed by a, o and u, and soft sound when followed by e, i and y. The words are as follows:

un garçon
un gorille

Jour de la St Valentin

At the end of the day on Friday, we will have a little Jour de la St Valentin celebration. Students are welcome to bring a healthy snack to share, as well as valentines to pass out. This is optional. There will be a note sent home Monday which includes a list of students in our class. Joyeuse St Valentin!

Friday, 7 February 2014

Les verbes, les noms, les adjectifs

This week we have been discussing different types of words. Thus far, we have learned about verbes, nouns and adjectives.

At the end of the day yesterday, we did a mad lib and talked about how important it is to have the right kind of word in each spot, otherwise the story doesn't make sense. Here is the link to the website:

Monday, 3 February 2014

Les regularites croissantes

Today we started investigating increasing patterns. We looked at and discussed a few examples and then tried to make some of our own. Here are a few photos of our work.


French Immersion Week

The week of Feb. 3-7 has been declared French Immersion Week! There will be lots of exciting events happening at school this year.

-Monday morning at 9am we will have an assembly to sing a few French songs and kick off the week.
-Tuesday morning we will have a few students from grade 5/6 come in and tell stories in French.
-Wednesday afternoon, K - grade 2 students will watch some short French films in the library. Students are invited to wear PJs and bring a stuffie.
-Friday afternoon at 2:40pm, there will be an assembly during which students in kindergarten to grade 4 will share some of their French learning.

Also, this week, we will have a school-wide French-speaking initiative. Students who are overheard speaking French outside of their classrooms will be given a ticket which they can enter at the office for a daily draw.

le 3 - 7 fevrier

I can't believe January is gone and we are into February... Here are a few updates for the week:

-See post about French Immersion Week for additional events this week
-Weather recording homework was sent home last Friday and is to be completed each night this week. The completed page is due back on Monday, February 10 (not January 10 like was written on the homework page itself, my apologies for any confusion)
-Au courant journals are to come back to school on Monday
-Scholastic is coming home on Monday and is due back on Tuesday, February 11.
-Home Reading Books are coming home on Monday and are due back on Friday
-We are going to begin being care partners to students in Mme McCreas morning kindergarten class on Wednesday. We will visit each week for about 25 minutes and read and participate in other literacy activities together.
-Thursday is National Sweater Day - This is a national initiative to promote energy conservation. By wearing a sweater and turning down the heat, lots of energy can be saved. We are inviting staff and students to wear a sweater on this day to support this initiative.
-Library on Friday. Bring back your books if you wish to exchange them for new ones.
-Dictee on Friday. This week we will be studying c and the two sounds it makes. Hard sound (k) when followed by a, o and u, and soft sound (s) when followed by e, i and y. The exception is ç, which always makes the soft c sound. The words are as follows:

les décorations
un garçon
une casquette