Saturday, 8 February 2014

le 10 - 14 fevrier

Last week before the February Break! Here are some updates:

-Weather recording homework is due back on Monday. We will be writing our comparisons this week.
-Au courant journals are due back to school on Monday - Au courant journals did not make it home Friday due to the assembly and will be coming home Monday. Please send back to school by Wednesday.
-Home Reading Books are coming home Monday and are due back Friday
-Hot Lunch orders are due back on Tuesday, February 11
-Scholastic orders are due back on Tuesday, February 11
-We will be making valentines for the community in the middle of the week, and going for a walk with our care partners on Friday morning to deliver them.
-Science Fair registration forms went out in the newsletter on Thursday of last week and are due back on Friday. Any student wishing to participate in the science fair must complete a registration form. There are extras at the office.
-Library on Friday
-Assembly Friday afternoon at 12:45pm
-Hot lunch for those who ordered on Friday, February 14
-Spirit Day on Friday, February 14. This month's spirit day is Hat Day
-Valentine's Day celebration: At the end of the day on Friday we will celebrate Valentine's Day. Students are welcome to bring healthy snacks to share, as well as valentines to pass out.
-Dictee on Friday. This week we will be looking at the letter g and the hard and soft sounds it makes. The rules for g are the same as for c, hard sound when followed by a, o and u, and soft sound when followed by e, i and y. The words are as follows:

un garçon
un gorille