Monday, 5 May 2014

le 5 - 9 mai

Here are some reminders for the week:

-Au courant journals should come back to school on Monday
-Home Reading Books will come home on Monday and are due back on Friday
-Hot lunch order forms are due back on Tuesday. The Pizza Hut hot lunch is on Friday.
-Scholastic orders are due back on Wednesday
-Picture Day on Thursday. Forms for choosing poses went home last week.
-Data Sheets should be looked over, corrections made, signed and returned as soon as possible.
-Library on Friday. Please bring back your books to exchange for new ones.
-Assembly Friday
-Pizza Hut Hot Lunch and Spirit Day - Crazy Hair Day on Friday
-Dictee on Friday. This week we will be looking at the letters ein. The words are as follows:

la peinture
plein comme un œuf
une ceinture