Monday, 30 September 2013

Quoi de neuf?

Starting tonight, a funky fabric bag will be going home with students one at a time. This will be our Quoi de neuf bag. Quoi de neuf is the French expression for 'what's up' or 'what's new'. The student who has the bag will choose one object to bring in to share with the class the following day. This activity gives students the opportunity to speak in French, as well as to ask and answer questions in French.
Merci for your support at home!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

le 30 septembre - le 4 octobre

Just a few updates for this week:

-Au courant journals are to come back on Monday
-Je me presente is due on Wednesday, October 2nd
-Assembly Friday morning at 9am
-Library on Friday. Please bring back your books if you wish to exchange them for new ones.
-Home Reading Books will be going home again on Monday, and are due back on Friday
-October Scholastic will be going home on Tuesday and are due back next Tuesday, October 8th

Looking ahead...
We will be going to the public library next Wednesday, October 9th during the afternoon and I am still looking for 2 parents who are able to walk over, participate in the program and walk back with us. If you are able to help out, please let me know. Merci beaucoup!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research

I am thrilled to announce that our grade 2 class raised a grand total of... $451!!! Incroyable! Way to go grade 2!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Terry Fox update

Our class has now brought in $291!!! Wow! Tomorrow is the last day to bring in forms and money.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Criminal Record Check

This year at Victoria School, the same as last year, we will require all parent volunteers to have a completed Crinimal Record Check. The CRC must have been completed no longer than one year ago or is considered expired. It is free to have done for volunteer purposes, please let me know if you wish to have the papers sent home to complete one.

Excursion a la bibliotheque

On the afternoon of October 9th, we will be visiting the Frances Morrison library with the other grade 2 class. We will walk over, participate in a program offered in Pooh Corner, have some time to browse and then walk back. I will need 2 parents who are willing and able to come along for this trip.
Thank you!

Les nombres a 100

Today in mathematiques we were practicing showing numbers using base ten blocks to make numbers. We were using the SMARTBoard at this website :

We were also using the actual blocks with a friend, taking turns rolling a 10 sided die to make a number, and then using the blocks to make it.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

le 23-27 septembre

Just a few reminders for this week:

-Home Reading books will be going home on Monday and are due back on Friday
-Au courant journals should be brought back on Monday
-Terry Fox pledge forms and money is due on Wednesday
-I will be away on Thursday
-Library on Friday

Also a reminder that Je me presente is due October 2nd. If there are any questions about completing this project, please don't hesitate to ask.

Le pointillisme

Thursday for les arts visuels, we learned about pointillisme, and Georges-Pierre Seurat (who was French!). We learned that pointillisme is a way of making art using little points of colour. We looked at some examples and then tried it out ourselves.
Georges-Pierre Seurat

L'art de George-Pierre Seurat
Notre inspiration
 Here is our work for you to enjoy!



Friday, 20 September 2013

La bibliotheque

I just had to share this bit of news from today. This morning before morning recess we went to the library to exchange our books. While we were there Mme Oliver asked us all together because she had some thing to tell us (Mme was a little worried...) Then, Mme Oliver proceeded to tell us that we are the quietest class she has had in the library, and that she was impressed by how quiet we were all looking at books and doing our jobs. What a wonderful compliment to receive! Bon travail la deuxieme annee!

Au courant

Tonight in your child's sac bleu you will find a journal called 'Au courant'. The expression 'au courant' means to be in the know, or up to date. The students will write in this journal each Friday afternoon to keep you 'au courant' of what we have done over the past week. I would ask you to please take a minute to read the journal entry with your child and write them a little comment or reply that they can enjoy when the journals come back on Monday morning. Thanks for your support at home!

Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research

This afternoon we had a great time at Rotary Park participating in the Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research. We walked down with our calipartenaires, ran/walked for about 45 minutes, and had an apple or an orange for a snack and walked back with our calipartenaires.
Our class has already brought in a grand total of $161! (and I am told that there are still some students with money at home). Please send back money and the forms by Wednesday, September 25th.
Our class ran 486 laps in total! Bien fait la deuxieme annee!!!
A big thank you to the moms who came along to help out. All in all, a great way to spend a Friday afternoon!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Meet the Staff

I just wanted to take a minute to thank all the families who came out to the school for Meet the Staff night tonight. I hope everyone had an enjoyable evening getting to know the fantastic staff here at Ecole Victoria School (and having an ice cream!). It was a pleasure to meet all of you, and I am looking forward to a great year working with you and your children!

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research

On Friday afternoon we will be doing the Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research. Right after lunch recess (12:38pm), we will meet in the gym for a short assembly, and then will proceed to Rotary Park for the run. Students will run back and forth and collect tally marks on a popsicle stick. We will then have a piece of fruit for a treat and return to school at around 2:30pm. Parents are more than welcome to join us. A sheet went home to fundraise for the Terry Fox Foundation. It would be fantastic if students could ask family members and friends if they would be interested in supporting them in the Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research.
Merci beaucoup for the support from home!

Je me presente!

Coming home tonight is a project for students to complete as homework within the next 2 weeks. Below is a picture of my completed example. We discussed how it should be completed neatly, using neat printing, and nice colouring. I have made the due date le 2 octobre. Thanks for your support at home.
Top left: My portrait - students may glue a picture, as I have, or draw a self portrait.
Top right: Who Am I? - I am ___ years old. My birthday is ________. I live in __________. I am in grade _________. My teachers name is ____________. I get to school _a pied_ or _en autobus_ or _en auto_ or _a velo_. The people in my family are _______. When I grow up, I want to be ________.
Bottom left: My favourite things - Colour, Animal, Food, Book, Sport, At school I like to, At home I like to.
Centre (Star): I am special (unique) because ...
Centre right (heart): I show others I care about them by...
Bottom right: Three interesting and surprising things about me are...

Monday, 16 September 2013


To start off the year, we have been talking about l'amitie, or friendship. Here is a photo of our first MIMI poster. Words will be coming home to practice this week.

Les nombres 1 a 100

To start off the school year we have been working on the numbers from 1 to 100 in French. Students seem to struggle with the numbers above 60, as the names start to get a bit confusing.

Here is a video to practice number names (60 - 100) in French:

Today we learned a neat trick to remember number names. When you look at the number soixante dix (70), we found the number 10 hiding, which reminds us to say soixante dix, and not just soixante.
When you look at the number quatre-vingts-dix (90), we found the number dix (10) hiding, which reminds us to say quatre-vingts-dix, not just quatre-vingts. This trick works for all of the 70's and 90's.

Sigmund Brouwer

The author that is coming on Wednesday morning has asked that students listen to and attempt to learn the chorus to a little song. I am including the link below so you can listen at home. We will continue to practice here at school as well. Happy singing!

le 16 - 20 septembre

Just a few updates for this week:
-Scholastic is due tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 17th. Cheques only please (Scholastic Canada Ltd)
-We are having an author coming to visit on Wednesday morning, Sigmund Brouwer
-Meet the Staff night is Wednesday at 6:30pm. Go to your childs homeroom teacher to get a bingo card to complete and turn in for a treat!
-Library on Friday. Please bring back your books if you wish to exchange them for new ones.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Louie le lion

Starting tonight, our class pet, Louie le lion, will be visiting with students each night. If your child has Louie at home, his or her job the following day will be to present orally about what they did with Louie the previous night. This is an activity that will allow students an opportunity to practice their oral French. 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

le 9-13 septembre

Just a few updates for this week:
-Scholastic orders went home today. Please return by Tuesday, September 17th if you wish to place an order. Please make payments by cheque (Scholastic Canada Ltd)
-Hot lunch will be on Friday
-I will be away from the school on Thursday afternoon and Friday all day.
-I still have not received all paperwork from the first day of school. If you have any data sheet packages, or student info cards or interest inventories, please return them to school as soon as possible.

We received our new sacs bleus today. Each night the sac bleu will be coming home with any homework, notes, and information. Please encourage your child to share the agenda with you to stay informed of goings on at school. Students were asking today if it is necessary to have maman or papa sign the agenda everyday. I have told them that I will not be checking, but that I expect that they will be responsable and will be showing maman and papa. I have also been emphasizing that it is their sac bleu, their homework and therefore, their job to be checking it and ensuring papers are signed, homework is done, etc. Thank you for your support at home!

Friday, 6 September 2013


Bienvenue a la 2e annee!
Here are a few pictures of our classroom for you to enjoy.
Listening centre

Small group work table area

Class library


Our baskets and duotangs (and Mme et M. Patate)

Our class

Writing centre

SmartBoard and whiteboards at front of room