Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Je me presente!

Coming home tonight is a project for students to complete as homework within the next 2 weeks. Below is a picture of my completed example. We discussed how it should be completed neatly, using neat printing, and nice colouring. I have made the due date le 2 octobre. Thanks for your support at home.
Top left: My portrait - students may glue a picture, as I have, or draw a self portrait.
Top right: Who Am I? - I am ___ years old. My birthday is ________. I live in __________. I am in grade _________. My teachers name is ____________. I get to school _a pied_ or _en autobus_ or _en auto_ or _a velo_. The people in my family are _______. When I grow up, I want to be ________.
Bottom left: My favourite things - Colour, Animal, Food, Book, Sport, At school I like to, At home I like to.
Centre (Star): I am special (unique) because ...
Centre right (heart): I show others I care about them by...
Bottom right: Three interesting and surprising things about me are...