Just a few updates for this week:
-Scholastic orders went home today. Please return by Tuesday, September 17th if you wish to place an order. Please make payments by cheque (Scholastic Canada Ltd)
-Hot lunch will be on Friday
-I will be away from the school on Thursday afternoon and Friday all day.
-I still have not received all paperwork from the first day of school. If you have any data sheet packages, or student info cards or interest inventories, please return them to school as soon as possible.
We received our new sacs bleus today. Each night the sac bleu will be coming home with any homework, notes, and information. Please encourage your child to share the agenda with you to stay informed of goings on at school. Students were asking today if it is necessary to have maman or papa sign the agenda everyday. I have told them that I will not be checking, but that I expect that they will be responsable and will be showing maman and papa. I have also been emphasizing that it is their sac bleu, their homework and therefore, their job to be checking it and ensuring papers are signed, homework is done, etc. Thank you for your support at home!