Friday, 29 November 2013


We have been studying different purposes for writing, as well as different genres of writing (biographies, descriptive writing, informational writing, etc). For the few weeks before Christmas, we will be looking at recipes as a genre of writing. Please send a copy of a family favourite recipe before Thursday, December 5th, so that your child has an example to share and discuss with the class. Thank you for your support from home.

le 2 - 6 decembre

I can't believe we are into December already!
Here are some updates for this week:
-Au courant journals are to come back on Monday
-Scholastic is coming home Monday and is due back on Thursday (I would like to have orders back before the Christmas break)
-Home Reading Books will be coming home on Monday and are due back to school on Friday
-We will be having an assembly Friday morning
-Library on Friday. Please bring books to be exchanged.
-There will be a hot lunch on December 13th, the order forms will be coming home on Monday and are due back on Friday.
-Dictee on Friday. This week we will be looking at the letters 'ill' and the sound they make (like ee in English). The words are as follows:

une fille
un papillon
la famille
les nouilles
une grenouille

Three-Way Conferences

Thank you to all the families for giving up some of your time last evening or this morning to come and discuss your child's progress. It has been so great to see everyone and to have a conversation about the wonderful learning that has been happening (and will continue to happen) in Grade 2.
I spoke with some parents/guardians about the new progress report format. If you had a comment regarding the progress report, please send it along so I can pass it on to our administration.

Thank you, as always, for all of the support from home. Bonne fin de semaine!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Progress Reports

Progress Reports are being sent home on Monday. Please take some time to read over the progress report prior to your three way conference time on Thursday evening or Friday morning.

For your information:

The letter code for the Learning Skills and Behaviours is as follows:
A = almost always
O = often
S = sometimes
R = rarely

The letter code for the rest of the progress report is as follows:
E = exceeding expectations
M = meeting expectations
B = beginning to meet expectations
N = not yet meeting expectations

You will find comments pertaining to oral french skills on Page 3 of the progress report, comments pertaining to mathematics on Page 4 of the progress report, and comments pertaining to reading and writing on Page 5 of the progress report.

Please sign and return the progress report envelope to let me know that you have received the document. The progress report is for your records.

le 25-28 novembre

A few reminders and updates about this busy upcoming week:
-Au courant journals should come back to school on Monday.
-We will be attending a puppet show in French on Monday morning.
-Home Reading Books will be coming home on Monday and are due back on Thursday.
-Progress reports are coming home on Monday. Please see the post about progress reports for more information.
-We will be going to the book fair in the library on Tuesday afternoon to see what is there and to browse, and will be returning on Thursday to purchase. Students are invited to bring their money on Thursday if they wish to purchase books. The book fair is also open during all three way conference times if you wish to accompany your child.
-On Wednesday afternoon we will be having a lockdown drill. We will be discussing what this looks like on Monday and Tuesday in order to prepare students.
-Order forms for ABC Education Rafiki Chains went home on Friday and are due back on Thursday if you wish to order.
-Because there is no school on Friday for students, we will be going to the library on Thursday, please bring books to be exchanged.
-Dictee on Thursday. This week we will be looking at the letter é and the sound it makes (think Canadian, eh). The words are as follows:

un éléphant
la dictée

-Three-way conferences are being held on Thursday after school and Friday morning. I am looking forward to meeting with everyone to discuss your childs' progress to this point in the year.

Monday, 18 November 2013

le 18 - 22 novembre

Just a few updates for this week:
-Au courant journals should be back to school on Monday
-Home Reading Books will be coming home today and are to be brought back on Friday.
-Library on Friday. Please bring back books if you wish to exchange them.
-We will be attending an assembly on Friday afternoon about We Day that several of our senior students attended earlier this month.
-Dictee on Friday. This week we will be working on the letters 'oi' like in noir. The dictee words are as follows:
le roi
un mouchoir
les devoirs
un tiroir

Progress reports will be coming home on Monday, November 25th and three-way conferences are being held on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th. If you have not already done so, please follow the instructions on the blue sheet, or call the office to schedule a time to meet. I am looking forward to sharing your child's progress!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Livres audio

Starting tonight, there are some books with CDs coming home with students. We have talked about the importance of listening to reading as a way of imrpoving our own reading. That said, I understand that the books coming home are quite lengthy, and I am not expecting students to be able to read the books on their own. I am hoping that they will try to read along and listen and look for words in the text that they know, and follow the story (they are all well known stories). The books are to come back to school the next day so other students may have a turn with them. Happy listening!

Friday, 8 November 2013

le 12 - 15 novembre

Just a few updates for the week:
-Au courant journals are to come back to school on Tuesday.
-Home Reading Books are coming home on Tuesday and are due back to school on Friday.
-Dance on Thursday afternoon from 2-3pm. Students are asked to bring a non-perishable food item for the food bank as admission.
-Bibliotheque on Friday. Please bring back books to be exchanged.
-Spaghetti hot lunch is on Friday for students who ordered.
-Spirit day on Friday - Colour Day - Wear your favourite colour from head to toe!
-Dictee on Friday. This week we will be looking at the letters 'in' and the sound they make (think wrong answer in a game show). The words are as follows:

le matin
un singe
le lapin
un insecte
la fin
les patins

Also a reminder that the Three Way Conference scheduler is open. If you are having trouble accesing the program, please call the main office to schedule a conference time. Please let me know if the times available are not convenient and we can find a better time. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss your child's progress to this point in the year.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Le Gruffalo

Over the past 2 weeks, we have been doing a book study on the book Gruffalo. Our last assignment for the book study was to write an extra part to the story where the mouse meets another animal. I have put our work together into a class book that will be coming home with students starting today. Please feel free to leave us a comment in the back I have also included the English version of the book for you to enjoy. Thanks for your support at home!

Monday, 4 November 2013

le 4-7 novembre

Just a few updates for this short upcoming week:
-Au courant journals are to come back on Monday
-Non-perishable food items from the We Scare Hunger initiative will be accepted at school on Monday or Tuesday
-Picture Retakes on Tuesday afternoon. Please let me know if I should send your child to have retakes done.
-Scholastic is due back on Wednesday
-Remembrance Day assembly at 10:30am on Thursday, Nov. 7th. Students in choir are reminded to wear dark pants or a skirt and a light coloured top.
-Poppies - each student will be given a poppy sticker on Thursday for the assembly. Students are encouraged to bring a small donation for the poppies, which will be collected in the classroom all week. Thank you for your support.
-Hot lunch orders are due back on Thursday. The Spaghetti hot lunch will be on Friday, November 15th.
-Home Reading Books will be coming home on Monday and are due back on Thursday.
-Library will be on Thursday.
-Dictee on Thursday. This week we will be looking at the sound ch (like sh in English). The words are as follows:

une branche



les chaussettes

une chemise

les cheveux


No school on Friday or on Monday due to teacher PD/Planning and Remembrance Day holiday.

Friday, 1 November 2013

We Scare Hunger

Here is a photo of all the food that was collected last night by our class. If you forgot to bring in what you collected, or it was too heavy to bring, it will be accepted on Monday or Tuesday of next week as well.

Bien fait la deuxieme annee!