Sunday, 24 November 2013

Progress Reports

Progress Reports are being sent home on Monday. Please take some time to read over the progress report prior to your three way conference time on Thursday evening or Friday morning.

For your information:

The letter code for the Learning Skills and Behaviours is as follows:
A = almost always
O = often
S = sometimes
R = rarely

The letter code for the rest of the progress report is as follows:
E = exceeding expectations
M = meeting expectations
B = beginning to meet expectations
N = not yet meeting expectations

You will find comments pertaining to oral french skills on Page 3 of the progress report, comments pertaining to mathematics on Page 4 of the progress report, and comments pertaining to reading and writing on Page 5 of the progress report.

Please sign and return the progress report envelope to let me know that you have received the document. The progress report is for your records.