Monday, 4 November 2013

le 4-7 novembre

Just a few updates for this short upcoming week:
-Au courant journals are to come back on Monday
-Non-perishable food items from the We Scare Hunger initiative will be accepted at school on Monday or Tuesday
-Picture Retakes on Tuesday afternoon. Please let me know if I should send your child to have retakes done.
-Scholastic is due back on Wednesday
-Remembrance Day assembly at 10:30am on Thursday, Nov. 7th. Students in choir are reminded to wear dark pants or a skirt and a light coloured top.
-Poppies - each student will be given a poppy sticker on Thursday for the assembly. Students are encouraged to bring a small donation for the poppies, which will be collected in the classroom all week. Thank you for your support.
-Hot lunch orders are due back on Thursday. The Spaghetti hot lunch will be on Friday, November 15th.
-Home Reading Books will be coming home on Monday and are due back on Thursday.
-Library will be on Thursday.
-Dictee on Thursday. This week we will be looking at the sound ch (like sh in English). The words are as follows:

une branche



les chaussettes

une chemise

les cheveux


No school on Friday or on Monday due to teacher PD/Planning and Remembrance Day holiday.