I am finding it hard to believe that it is June already!
This week will be a busy one, here are some reminders:
-Children's Festival on Monday. Students need a lunch, sunscreen, a water bottle and good shoes for walking. We are away from school from 10:30-3ish.
-Dress rehearsal for Stone Soup on Tuesday.
-Stone Soup performances on Wednesday at 2:45pm and at 7pm. Students involved need to return to school at 6:40pm to prepare for the 7pm show.
-In Motion activity in the gym on Thursday afternoon.
-Library will be on Thursday this week. It is the last week to sign out books, so bring back last weeks to exchange for new ones.
-Home Reading Books will come home Tuesday and are due back Friday.
-Trip to the Frances Morrison Public Library on Friday. If you have not already done so, please sign and return the note that went home last week to let me know you are aware of this outing. For Friday morning, students will need walking shoes and their library cards.
-Dictee: For the next two weeks, we will be doing dictee in a slightly different way to prepare for dictee in grade 3. Students will get a short poem, as well as a sheet of homework to complete that goes along with it (due Friday). On Friday, for the actual test, students will get a copy of the poem with words or parts of words missing. Mme reads the poem and students fill in the blanks. Look for the poem and homework in the sac bleu Monday.