I am having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that this will be the last week in Grade 2! Here are some reminders and updates as we head into this short, busy, last week of school for the 2013-2014 year:
-Play Day Monday afternoon. Students should wear good shoes to play in, and wear sunscreen and bring a water bottle.
-Sacs bleus will be collected on Monday. Just the agenda will come to and from school for the rest of the week.
-There will be no Home Reading or dictee this week.
-We will have an assembly for Grade 8 farewell on Wednesday morning at 9am.
-On Wednesday morning after the assembly, we will be going for a short walk and having our snack with our grade 5/6 calipartenaires in Rotary Park. We will be back before lunch.
-We will have an assembly for showing the year end slide show on Thursday at 10:55am.
-Progress Reports will be coming home on Thursday, on the last day of school.
-There is no school for students on Friday, June 27th.
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